Random Thoughts and Announcements

Moral Redemption Part One

I think of morality for practical purposes as a skill that one develops through repeated rational action and self-reflection. The more one cultivates moral practice with intention and careful reflection, the more resilient one's own soul becomes.

So what of us who are morally weak and desire to become moral?

Well the whole reason I started forming my own philosophy was because I have never been able to reconcile my desire to be moral with my deficiencies in practice. Now to be sure, part of my problems stem from negative self-perception influenced by my own psychology. I have suffered from depression for a number of years and I have no doubt that anyone suffering from such a psychological condition understand all too well how it affects a person's ability to live everyday life let alone strive to live a moral life.

Now the thing about morality is that almost every choice that a person makes (aside from morally optional personal values) carries some implications for that person's morality. As you make your decisions and carry out actions in the course of living, your mind subconsciously tallies your moral record. As you make good choices in your decisions and actions, your reputation with yourself grows. You gain strength and become more confident in who you are as a person. If you start making decisions out of emotional weakness, you loose credibility with yourself and your self-reputation suffers. You become increasingly unstable until or unless you reverse course.

Once a person descends into immorality and toward evil, their internal emotions crumble at the drop of the hat. The further in hell one goes, the harder it becomes to climb out, let alone ascend. Immorality properly understood eventually destroys the individual mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and sometimes even physically.

So when we are able to recognize that we are weak, immoral, and we need to change, how do we climb out of our self-made hell? This is one of the questions that I will answer, even if it takes me my whole life to do so.

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